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For professional nurses, midwifes, obstetricians, and social worker

What is the membership?

The member will be provided with an information support, as well will be involved in most our research projects and discussions.

To become a member an individual should:

Step 1. Read all materials published in the page and answer for some questions;
Step 2. Fill in the registration form;
Step 3. Sent the membership form and the registration form to us by e-mail:
E-mail address: support(at)northconcept.co.jp
Step 4. Transfer the amount US$20 to our bank account (we will send you the invoice after you complited Step 3).

IDuring 2-3 weeks you will received the Member Certificate by regular mail to your address. 

FOLLOWER CERTIFICATION for clinics, hospitals, medical education centers, and social service organizations (contact us E-mail address: support(at)northconcept.co.jp)

North Concept, INC    
Copyright (c) 2011 Humanized Childbirth and Perinatal Grief Care